The math educators listed below met at the Centennial Campus of Pikes Peak Community College in Colorado Springs for a Beyond Crossroads summer workshop June 6–7, 2008. The stated goals of the workshop were to help the participants
- To grow as professionals and embrace change and continuous improvement in their classes.
- To implement the messages of Beyond Crossroads in order to develop effective strategies for courses, departments, faculty, and colleges.
- To learn assessment strategies at the class, course, and program levels, including Scholarship of Teaching methodology.
- To create an "Implementation Plan" for a project of choice.
Pat McKeague inspired all with his opening plenary talk the first morning and the closing plenary on the second afternoon. Other interesting and informative presenters were Rob Farinelli, Valerie Harris, Rob Kimball, Louise Olshan, and the team of Holly Ashton, Jenny Dorrington, and Gwen Wiley.
Two sessions on the Beyond Crossroads Implementation Cycle provided the foundation for teams to plan a project that will be implemented this school year. Teams had time to work together on projects of choice.
The hosts at Pikes Peak CC were very gracious and helpful. They treated all the participants to a picnic dinner and a hike in the Garden of the Gods, guided by a local geologist.
The purpose of this wiki is for the workshop participants, presenters, and organizers to continue to work together and share ideas. The idea for using a wiki to document the work of the teams came from the goal that the workshop would create long-term change and that his tool would enable teams to document those changes. The wiki also provides a forum for dialogue among particiants and for comments and questions from readers.
As a reader, you might begin simply by exploring a couple of the links in the navigation panel at left, such as "Site members", "Recent changes", or "Personal". Or you can go directly to pages created by workshop presenters Pat McKeague, Rob Kimball, Rob Farinelli, Valerie Harris, or Gwen Wiley, Holly Ashton, and Jenny Dorrington. Or visit a page of photos.
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Workshop participants
- Holly Ashton (presenter), Pikes Peak CC
- Jeffrey V. Berg, Arapahoe Community College
- Carla Berley, Front Range CC - Larimer Campus
- Kris Bradley, Pikes Peak CC
- Sharon Butler, Pikes Peak CC
- Nancy Casten, Front Range CC - Larimer Campus
- Robert Creagar, Eastern Wyoming College
- Laurie DeHerrera, Pikes Peak CC
- Jenny Dorrington (presenter), University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
- Rob Farinelli (presenter, organizer), College of Southern Maryland
- Marilyn Frydrych, Pikes Peak Community College
- Valerie Harris (presenter), Central Wyoming College
- Kira Heater
- Lynne Ipina, University of Wyoming
- Kendall Jacobs, Casper College
- Diana Jones, Adams State College
- Rob Kimball (presenter, evaluator), Wake Technical CC
- Carol Kuper, Morgan Community College
- Martin Landeros, Allan Hancock College
- Norman LeMay, Arapahoe Community College
- Randall Longcore, CC of Denver
- Shawna Mahan (organizer), Pikes Peak CC
- Pat McKeague (keynote), Cuesta College
- LLoyd Meredith, Central Wyoming College
- Mary Nielsen, Eastern Wyoming College
- Louise Olshan (presenter), County College of Morris
- Jean Olson, Pikes Peak CC
- Elaine Parks, Laramie County CC
- Catherine Pellish, Front Range CC
- Karey A. Pharris, Pikes Peak Community College
- Cheryl Raboin, Eastern Wyoming College
- Carol Rardin, Central Wyoming College
- Deborah Strance, Allan Hancock College
- Nancy Swartz, Pikes Peak CC
- Debra Swedberg, Casper College
- Gwen Wiley (presenter), Pikes Peak CC
- David Wolfe, Pikes Peak CC
- Bruce Yoshiwara (organizer), Los Angeles Pierce College
- Andy Zaugg, Adams State College